
Nuance From Science
A data visualization and life sciences blog.
Free to access, fully-cited and up-to-date.

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Interpreting P-Values

The reliance of scientific literature on p-values to test statistical significance has become quite controversial in recent years. What are p-values and how…
The Approach

I want to ensure the data analysis and science articles on Nuance from Science are balanced, fair and accurate.
All articles therefore incorporate the following 5 essential components:


– Explaining essential concepts

– Defining technical terms

– Using understandable prose


– Aiming for political neutrality

– Providing author information

– Acknowledging sources of bias

Critical Analysis

– Treating sources with caution

– Assessing scientific methods used

– Never intentionally omitting relevant data


– Citation of all sources

– Ensuring information is up-to-date

– Using only reputable sources


– Keeping contact with readers

– Responding to criticsm

– Making edits as needed